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Just Black - Coffee Alternative

Just Black - Coffee Alternative

Regular price $36.48 CAD
Regular price Sale price $36.48 CAD
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Our blend for the coffee or tea drinker that likes flavor and aroma

Unique Blend of

Red raspberry leaves -provide B vitamins, vitamin C and a number of minerals, including potassiummagnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron. Great for female reproductive organs and the lungs because of the antioxidants and minerals.

Chicory root - Boosts immune system, helps relieve arthritis pain, weight management.

Lion's mane - Keeping the brain healthy. Helps with focus

Cordyceps - Beneficial in regulating cholesterol levels in the body, boosts physical performance.

Reishi Powder - Anti-allergy, energizes the body, immune system enhancement

Licorice root- Liver benefits, great for calming menopause symptoms. It breaks down plaque in the arteries so it improves circulation and can improve heart health.

Fennel- Antimicrobial, helps with gas, relieves respiratory problems helps with breast milk production in lactating mothers.

Tumeric - blood purifier, helps coughs, antiarthritic, natural antibiotic

Cinnamon - Blood sugar control, virus fighter

Cloves - Beneficial in preserving bone density, cleans the mouth to prevent gum disease, nourishes the liver.

All of the ingredients have so many other benefits, we just listed what called us to use it in our blends!

Heal, Build, and Thrive!

 Note: All prices are subject to change. Please enjoy our introductory rates.


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